Wednesday 4 June 2008

Sloe Whisky

(or gin) (or vodka) (or anything really)

I went sloe picking one morning in November, the aim being to collect enough to make sloe whisky. As the only bottle of whisky that I was allowed to touch was a half finished plastic bottle of the stuff which we bought on the ferry crossing from Finland to Sweden (and even that's a 12 year old single malt) I was pleased that I managed to gather enough sloes. Seems I was a little late though - the trees were bare where I was able to reach, and even with my trusty walking stick I only managed to get about 300g of sloes. Just enough though - I had about 250ml of whisky left in that bottle!

The recipe

The recipe I found says to get a 2 litre bottle of gin, drink half of it, and then for the remaining litre (assuming you are not so pickled already as to carry on following the recipe) you will need 700g sloes and 350g sugar.

Here's the rest of the recipe, if you can really call it that!